First Post; Time for Change


Architecture has been synonymous with photography for me since I started my Part 1 in 2007 in Manchester. We were asked to have a camera, to document sites to inform our design projects. Context is important. Since then, the necessity developed into a hobby, then a passion, and now it’s time to make the step to making it a larger part of my life.

2020 and 2021 has been hard for everyone mentally, physically and financially, and I’m fortunate enough to find myself in the position that I can pare down my Architecture role slightly, to make way for photography. Knowing it’s a tough industry to break into, I’m prepared for a frosty reception, but have hopes of securing some jobs later in the year as on site Covid regulations loosen. Another step is making the decision to migrate my website to Squarespace, after hosting it on Smugmug for several years. It’s a larger investment, and likely more of a time sink, but with any luck it’ll pay off with being discovered a little more. Plus it’ll stop my girlfriend telling me I should get Squarespace, and do one of the General Assembly courses on SEO, which thus far I know almost nothing about. Kicking and screaming into the 21st Century…

So to anyone reading this, I hope you’ve managed to survive the past year intact, are optimistic about the future, and are a bit closer to doing something you want to with your life too. Also probably a good place to say if you are, or know an Architect, developer, or anyone looking for photographs of a building or interior product, you have no idea how helpful it would be to point them in my direction; Chris Hopkinson, at Chromaphotography.


Finding Happiness in Photography